Category: Swimming

10 gute Vorsätze für das neue Jahr

Die Zeit zwischen Weihnachten und Silvester eignet sich am besten, um Bilanz für das vergangene Jahr zu ziehen und sich Gedanken über gute Vorsätze für das neue Jahr zu machen. Spätestens im neuen Jahr entsteht dann der Impuls, alles besser zu machen als vergangenes Jahr und die Vorsätze in die Tat umzusetzen. Haben Sie schon gute Vorsätze für das neue Jahr gefasst? Wenn nicht: Wir verraten 10 gute Vorsätze, die der Gesundheit gut tun, und nennen kleine Tricks, die zur Umsetzung beitragen.

1. Weniger Stress

Stress begleitet heutzutage nicht nur Berufstätige. Auch Schüler und Hausfrauen leiden darunter, weil sie den Anforderungen des Alltags nicht mehr standhalten können. Wer häufig unter Stress leidet, ist dauerhaft angespannt und riskiert Burnout und weitere körperliche Beschwerden. Deswegen sollten gestresste Personen darauf achten, den inneren Druck gezielt abzubauen.

Überlegen Sie dafür, welche Situationen besonders belastend für Sie sind und versuchen Sie, diese zu vermeiden. Entspannende Bäder nach der Arbeit und Sport wirken sich beispielsweise positiv auf das Gemüt aus. Nehmen Sie außerdem keine Arbeit mit nach Hause mit und bewältigen Sie eine Aufgabe nach der anderen. Dafür eignet es sich, Wochenpläne zu erstellen. Weihen Sie Familie, Freunde und Arbeitskollegen in Ihren Vorsatz, Stress zu vermeiden und besser abzubauen, ein. Diese können Sie bei Ihrem Vorhaben unterstützen.

2. Mehr Bewegung und Sport

Sport hält gesund, macht fröhlich und steigert die Konzentration. Machen Sie sich bewusst, weshalb Sie mehr Sport treiben möchten. Konkrete Ziele wie Abnehmen oder mehr Sport für die Gesundheit dienen bei jeder Sporteinheit als Motivation. Zudem helfen sie dabei, die richtige Sportart zu finden. Denken Sie anfangs immer wieder daran, dass Sport in der kühlen Jahreszeit aufmuntert und das Immunsystem stärkt.

Um den richtigen Sport zu finden, können Sie zunächst unterschiedliche Sportarten ausprobieren. Oft hilft ein Trainingspartner bei der Motivation. Auch eine Sportgruppe oder ein Verein verpflichten und helfen durch regelmäßige Trainingszeiten eine Routine im Alltag zu schaffen. Trainingserfolge können Sie mit Kleinigkeiten belohnen.

3. Gesündere Ernährung

Eine gesunde Ernährung zeichnet sich durch ausgewogene und abwechslungsreiche Kost aus. Dazu zählen viel Obst, Gemüse, Fisch, fettarme Milch und fettarmes Fleisch sowie Mineralwasser. Eine solche Ernährung wirkt sich nicht nur positiv auf die Gesundheit aus, sondern steigert auch das Wohlbefinden.

Für eine langfristige Umstellung der Ernährung müssen Sie alte Gewohnheiten aufgeben und diese durch Neue ersetzen. Machen Sie sich dafür am besten jede Woche einen Koch- und Ernährungs-Plan. Nimmt die ganze Familie an dem Vorhaben Teil, ist es noch einfacher, die Ernährung umzustellen. Damit Ihnen die Umstellung leichter fällt, können Sie sich zwischendurch ruhig mit etwas Schokolade oder Ähnlichem belohnen – nur übertreiben sollten Sie es nicht.

4. Mehr Zeit für sich selbst

Um das Leben im Gleichgewicht zu halten, sind Freizeit und Zeit für sich selbst sehr wichtig. In dieser Zeit können Sie Hobbys nachgehen, sich mit Freunden treffen und entspannen. Das hält die Psyche fit und leistungsfähig und wirkt sich gleichzeitig positiv auf die Gesundheit aus.

Halten Sie jede Woche mindestens einen Tag oder einige Stunden täglich in Ihrem Terminkalender für Ihre Zeit mit sich selbst frei. Am besten sollte es immer der gleiche Tag oder die gleiche Uhrzeit sein. So entsteht nämlich eine Routine, die sich in Ihren Alltag integrieren lässt. Um Unterstützung zu erhalten und eine größere Verbindlichkeit zu erzeugen, sollten Sie die Termine Familie und Freunden mitteilen.

5. Weniger Rauchen

Rauchen lässt nicht nur die Haut altern und schadet der Lunge, es kann auch die Lebenserwartung um bis zu zehn Jahre verkürzen. Bereits nach einem Jahr Abstinenz vergrößert sich das Lungenvolumen wieder und die Risiken für Herzerkrankungen und Lungenkrebs nehmen deutlich ab.

Wenn Sie mit dem Rauchen aufhören möchten, sollten Sie  sich kleine Ziele setzen. Reduzieren Sie zunächst nach und nach die Anzahl an Zigaretten. Suchen Sie einen Ersatz wie Kaugummis für die Zigarette und nutzen Sie Ihre fünf Minuten Raucherpause auf eine andere Art und Weise. Machen Sie sich dafür eine Liste mit Dingen, die Sie anstatt des Rauchens tun könnten.

Der Körper benötigt effektiv nur drei Tage zur Entwöhnung.  Oft hilft es auch, sich Verbündete zu suchen und kleine Wetten abzuschließen, wer es länger ohne Zigarette aushält. Dies steigert den Ehrgeiz für das Vorhaben enorm. Da der Nikotinentzug ein Defizit der Endorphine verursacht, ist es ratsam, sich in der Entwöhnungsphase mit Kleinigkeiten zu belohnen. Durch diesen Trick werden Glücksgefühle erzeugt.

6. Weniger Alkohol

Bereits ein alkoholisches Getränk pro Tag schadet dem Körper. Von dem Verzicht auf regelmäßigen Alkoholkonsum profitiert nicht nur die Leber, sondern auch das Immunsystem kann sich wieder voll und ganz der Abwehr von Infekten widmen. Außerdem nimmt das Krebsrisiko ab und die Gehirnleistung steigt.

Wenn Sie weniger Alkohol trinken möchten, sollten Sie Ihre Trinkgewohnheiten ändern und sich bewusst machen, wie schädigend Alkohol für die Gesundheit ist. In einem ersten Schritt ist es hilfreich, keinen oder zumindest weniger Alkohol im Haus zu halten. Das hilft dabei, Alkohol nur noch zu besonderen Anlässen zu trinken. Wenden Sie kleine Tricks an, um sich schrittweise zu entwöhnen: Trinken Sie lieber Säfte, Wasser und Softdrinks zu Ihrem Essen, nehmen Sie kleinere Schlucke und kleinere Gläser.

7. Ausreichend schlafen

Müdigkeit sorgt für schlechte Konzentration und führt auf Dauer zu einem geschwächten Immunsystem. Um sich am Morgen erholt und frisch zu fühlen, sollten Sie daher genügend schlafen.

Nehmen Sie sich vor, Ihr persönliches Optimum an Schlaf täglich einzuhalten. Dafür sollten Sie frühzeitig ins Bett gehen. Lassen Sie dafür Fernsehsendungen auch mal ausfallen und verabschieden Sie sich von späten Treffen etwas früher. Stehen Sie zeitig auf und vermeiden Sie Mittagsschläfchen, sodass Sie am  Abend früh müde werden und gut einschlafen können. Nach einigen Wochen pendeln sich die Schlafenszeiten und die Länge des Schlafes ein.

Um schnell einzuschlafen hilft es, das Zimmer gut abzudunkeln und die Zimmertemperatur bei 17 Grad Celsius zu halten. Trinken Sie einen Kräutertee und lesen Sie ein Buch vor dem Schlafen gehen – das kann die Müdigkeit fördern. Die letzte Mahlzeit sollten Sie drei Stunden vor dem Schlafen einnehmen.


8. Mehr Zeit für Familie und Freunde

Für eine größere Zufriedenheit im Freundeskreis und in der Familie ist es sehr wichtig, sich genügend Zeit für beides einzuräumen. Vereinbaren Sie mit Freunden daher weit im Voraus Verabredungen oder legen Sie einen bestimmten Tag in der Woche oder im Monat für Treffen fest. Behandeln Sie Verabredungen mit Freunden mit gleicher Priorität wie geschäftliche Termine. Das macht es Ihnen schwieriger, Treffen abzusagen.

Planen Sie Familientage in Ihren Alltag ein. Bei der Planung sollten Sie bereits festlegen, was genau Sie zusammen unternehmen werden. Vor allem Kinder freuen sich über Ausflüge, Spiele und Freizeitaktivitäten. Das fördert den Zusammenhalt und macht die gesamte Familie glücklicher. Feste Pläne schüren zudem die Vorfreude und machen es schwieriger, Ausflüge zu verschieben. Am besten legen Sie zu Jahresbeginn schon erste Termine fest. Teilen Sie ihre Vorhaben außerdem auf der Arbeit mit. Das informiert Chefs und Arbeitskollegen frühzeitig darüber, dass Sie an bestimmten Tagen für Überstunden nicht zu haben sind.

9. Zur Vorsorge gehen

Ab 35 Jahren hat jeder gesetzlich Versicherte einen Anspruch auf Vorsorgeuntersuchungen zur frühen Erkennung von Erkrankungen. Informieren Sie sich zuerst darüber, welche Vorsorgeuntersuchungen für Ihr Alter angeboten werden. Haben Sie eine familiäre Krankheitsgeschichte? Dann sollten Sie sich früher untersuchen lassen.

Machen Sie bereits zu Beginn des Jahres Termine bei Ärzten, sodass die Termine fest in Ihrem Kalender eingeplant sind. Belohnen Sie sich ruhig nach jedem Arztbesuch mit einer Kleinigkeit. So erscheint der Gang zum Arzt weniger lästig und lässt sich mit einer schönen Tätigkeit verbinden.

10. Weniger Fernsehen

Wer viel Zeit vor dem Fernseher verbringt, schadet durch die mangelnde Bewegung seinem Körper. Die Gedächtnisleistung und das Gewicht sind besonders von negativen Folgen betroffen. Vor allem auf die Frühentwicklung von Kindern wirkt sich ein hoher Fernsehkonsum negativ aus.

Um weniger Fern zu sehen, sollten Sie bestimmte Fernsehzeiten arrangieren. Wählen Sie Ihr Programm mit Bedacht und versuchen Sie, maximal eine Stunde am Tag vor dem Fernsehgerät zu verbringen. Machen Sie sich klar, dass Sie die Zeit vor dem Fernseher viel sinnvoller nutzen könnten. Lesen Sie beispielsweise ein Buch oder eine Zeitung oder investieren Sie mehr Zeit in Kochen und Freunde.

Mehr zum Thema:


Suggerimenti 5 su come mantenere la risoluzione del tuo anno

Il nuovo anno si avvicina ed è tempo di riflettere e fare progetti per il futuro. Ci prepariamo per il nuovo anno facendo la risoluzione di Capodanno. La risoluzione di Capodanno è qualcosa a cui tutti pensano, ma a volte non riescono a soddisfare. Ti impegni per risparmiare di più ma poi quando termina l’anno ti rendi conto che non hai risparmiato quanto dovresti. Questo articolo vedrà come è possibile mantenere la risoluzione del nuovo anno.

Come fare la risoluzione del tuo anno nuovo?

La risoluzione di un nuovo anno è semplice. Devi riflettere sull’anno scorso e vedere cosa non hai realizzato. Perché non li hai realizzati e poi hai sviluppato strategie su come li realizzerai? L’anno precedente ti guiderà e ti aiuterà a capire cosa devi fare per il nuovo anno. Qual è la tua debolezza? Cosa potresti migliorare? Quando rispondi a tutte queste domande scrivilo e avrai delle buone risoluzioni per l’anno nuovo.

Come mantenere la risoluzione di Capodanno


Annotare i tuoi obiettivi e posizionarli dove puoi vederli tutti i giorni è molto efficace. Le persone che lo fanno hanno maggiori probabilità di svolgere qualsiasi compito si sono prefissati di fare. Annotare il tuo obiettivo è come una mappa e una visione. Se non sai dove stai andando correrai in cerchio. Tuttavia, quando tu hai segnato i tuoi obiettivi sai dove stai andando. Farai progressi e raggiungili alla fine.

Avere un piano temporale

Se vuoi che la risoluzione del tuo anno abbia un piano temporale. Se ti rendi conto, quando hai una scadenza, svolgi i tuoi compiti più velocemente. È allo stesso modo con gli obiettivi. Una volta che ti dai un limite di tempo, non rimanderai i tuoi piani. Se vuoi andare alla scuola di specializzazione, imposta una data. Ad esempio, “tra due anni, inizierò i miei studi universitari”. Dopo che ti sei dato una cronologia, inizia a lavorare verso i tuoi obiettivi. Salva o cerca la borsa di studio entro il periodo di due anni.

Dillo alla gente

Dire alla gente della tua risoluzione è una buona idea. Lo puoi dire i tuoi amici e famiglia in modo che possano aiutarti a raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi. Ti incoraggeranno e ti ricorderanno i tuoi piani. Ti guideranno e guideranno dolcemente. Se hai voglia di arrenderti, ti scoraggi dal farlo. Sono fondamentalmente i tuoi obiettivi scritti nella forma di una persona. Ti ricorderanno e ti terranno concentrato.

Risoluzione del nuovo anno

Essere realistici

Stabilisci obiettivi realistici e facili da raggiungere. Se vuoi una macchina nuova, devi scegliere un’auto che rientri nel tuo budget. Se lavori con un salario minimo non aspettarti di acquistare una Range Rover nuova di zecca. Non dovresti limitarti ma scrivi obiettivi realistici. Obiettivi realizzabili in base alle circostanze.

Inizia adesso

Non ritardare e rimandare il piano, ma inizia subito. Se continui a dire domani non lo farai mai. Il tempo passerà presto e prima che tu lo sappia, l’anno è finito e non hai ottenuto nulla. Inizia adesso non aspettare. Ottieni l’iscrizione alla palestra e presentati in palestra.

Come l’approccio del nuovo anno annota la tua risoluzione dopo aver riflettuto sulla tua vita. La risoluzione di Capodanno ti aiuta a essere una persona migliore. Finché sei dedicato e concentrato, realizzerai la risoluzione del tuo anno nuovo.


How important is the relationship between your child and their swim coach? Coaches have such an impact on our kids’ lives. Our kids may look back on their coaches as some of the most influential people shaping their goals and dreams. We want our kids to be successful in swimming and in life. Having a strong relationship with their coach is one step along that path. Their relationship needs to be based on trust, communication and mutual respect.


As a parent, there are a few things we can do—or not do—to encourage healthy, working relationships between our swimmers and their coaches.

Here are my six tips to building better relationships:


Get them to the pool.

Coaches appreciate kids who make it to practice consistently and on time. Who do you think will get more attention from the coach—the kid who shows up for every single practice—or the child who has sporadic attendance? When kids are not old enough to drive, the responsibility falls on us to get them to the pool.


Encourage hard work.

Being a hard worker is a life skill that will serve our kids well in school, work and relationships. How do you build this characteristic in your child? One small thing we can do is praise their hard work. Instead of complimenting your child on their natural talent, like brains or athleticism, offer praise for their hard work and show how their effort led to accomplishments.


Honesty is the best policy.

If your kid wants to skip practice to study for a final, or take a day off with friends, advise them to be honest about it with their coach. I’ve seen this happen again and again, kids lying to their coaches. It never ends well and credibility is a hard thing to regain.


No excuses.

Our swimmers need to be responsible for their actions. We aren’t helping by giving them excuses. Nor, do coaches like to hear excuses from kids—why they missed practice—or didn’t have a good swim. This comes down to ownership of their sport. Your swimmer needs to understand that what they put into the sport, they will get out of it.


Keep negativity to yourself.

You may believe the coach doesn’t focus enough on technique, or worry that your kid isn’t getting enough attention. Whatever you do, don’t talk about it at home. Kids will pick up on these cues and may lose faith and confidence in their coach.


Your swimmer needs to communicate.

Many parents make the mistake of talking to the coach on behalf of their swimmer. At some point in time, we need to back away and let our swimmers take over. Open communication between your child and their coach is fundamental in building a better relationship.

What tips do you have to encourage better relationships between swimmers and coaches?


What Should You Make Sure That When You Go Swimming?


Image titled Prepare to Go Swimming (Girls) Step 1

1.Have a good meal.

Swimming really burns off energy so it’s best to have a good meal before you swim. Make sure it’s not too heavy though, otherwise it will be really hard to swim.
Image titled Prepare to Go Swimming (Girls) Step 2

2. Find a waterproof bag for all your stuff.

 As small as possible because you don’t want to be carrying a massive bag around with you. Ones with separate smaller pouches are ideal because you can put your money and phone and stuff in there. Place it on your bed and then go and find the stuff below. Place it on your bed and carry on so that you don’t lose stuff by carrying it around with you.
Image titled Prepare to Go Swimming (Girls) Step 3

3.Wear goggles (necessary) and a swim cap (optional).

You are bound to want your goggles at some point because your eyes will start to sting. The swim cap depends on whether you’re going to swimming practice or messing around with your friends.

4.Pack shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, deodorant (necessary) and talcum powder (optional).

It is advisable to store these necessaries in small but waterproof bottles, to avoid leakage.
Image titled Prepare to Go Swimming (Girls) Step 5

5. After that find your brush, some hair bands and any after products that you use.

Image titled Prepare to Go Swimming (Girls) Step 6

6. Next the most important thing your bathing suit.

Choose a sensible one not a bikini because you’re going swimming not going on holiday. If you’re wearing your bathing suit under your clothes then pack pants instead
Image titled Prepare to Go Swimming (Girls) Step 7

7Then find 2 towels a big one for your body and a small one for your hair – depending on your hair length.

But it’s still nice to have a spare towel just in case.
Image titled Prepare to Go Swimming (Girls) Step 8

8. Finally pack all the stuff into your bag and remember to bring your money and extra dollar or pound for the lockers and a snack for afterwards because trust me you will be starving.

If you have a membership card bring that too.

9. For girls, it is advisable to carry a change of clothes, because, trust me pulling on the same pant and shirt on which you wore, would be a hard task.

Its good to carry simple, soft and easy going dresses along with you

10. Before swimming make sure you take a few long breathes as swimming sometimes may make you feel nervous..

11.Check the temperature of the water using your toe or finger to ensure that the water has suitable conditions for you to jump in


10 Things To Do at the Beach

People usually go to the beach to swim or sunbathe, but the beach can be much more fun if you try some of these things to do while at the beach:

Build a Sandcastle

kids building sandcastle

Sandcastles and sand sculptures can be simple or elaborate, but all are so much fun to build! No special tools are really needed — just sand, water, and your hands will do — but simple cups and pails are helpful tools in carrying sand and water and helping to shape your creation.

Learn more about sand castle building basics.

Cast a Line

Fishing is one of America’s favorite activities and pastimes. While not all beaches allow fishing, many do; and, some even have fishing piers that rent gear. Go fish!

Collect Seashells

You can find shells on just about any beach. And, while this activity sounds like a no-brainer, there are some things to keep in mind. You will need a container to collect your shells. This can be a pail, cup or bag. Only collect “dead” shells — shells that have no animal inside.

Tip: Make shell collecting more fun by purchasing a book and looking up the names of each shell to see how many you can find.

Enjoy a Picnic

Many beaches have food concessions, but that can be quite expensive and not very satisfying. So, why not pack a nice picnic? Cheese and crackers, sandwiches or fried chicken are favorites; and, when paired with a salad or fresh fruit, it is much healthier and often less expensive.

Tips: Many beaches have an ordinance against alcoholic beverages, so leave the beer and wine at home and instead pack plenty of water. Also, don’t forget common sense food safety. Keep foods cold in a well-insulated cooler; and, when serving, don’t let them set out for an extended length of time.

Play a Game

Whether you are the active type or prefer sitting around, there are games that can pass the time.

The possibilities are endless. Bring along a ball and play a game of catch or volleyball. A Frisbee can be tossed over the sand or in the water. Bring a hula hoop and see who can keep it going the longest. Draw lines in the sand for a game of Tic-Tac-Toe, using several of two different kinds of shells for the markers; play hangman in the sand; or, bring along a deck of cards.

Read a Book

While you’re catching those rays, it is also a great time to catch up on your reading, whether it’s the latest magazine or a naughty novel.

Tip: If you have sun-sensitive eyes, consider taking along a book on tape or CD; but, don’t forget your headphones.

Splash and Play in the Surf

How do you cool off? Get in the water! Splash, splash each other, run and play. Let the waves wash over you, but do be careful. Those playful waves can pack quite a punch, especially for toddlers already unsure on their feet. And, rip currents are a real threat and should be taken seriously as well.

Take Pictures

If you’re on vacation, of course, you’ll want photos of those memory-making moments. After all, you’ll have to prove to the clan back home that Uncle Johnny really did look like a lobster with that sunburn. But, why not take your picture-taking skills to the next level and capture some of the beautiful scenery — glistening sand, rolling white-tipped waves, colorful umbrellas, sunsets and lots of people make interesting subjects for photos.

When you get home you just might find a picture you’d like to have enlarged and framed as a reminder of your trip.

Walk or Stroll

Whether you take a leisurely stroll or a brisk walk, the sand is great for exercising your feet and legs; and, the sound of the surf and smell of the salt water will clear your mind.

Watch the Sunset

What a wonderful way to end your day at the beach! Florida’s sunsets are spectacular, particularly from the vantage point of any Gulf Coast beach. There are two beach communities that think every sunset is reason enough to celebrate — Clearwater Beach and Key West. Those communities put on a nightly party that includes live entertainment, street performers, and craft vendors. Best of all… the sunsets and celebrations are free!

Always use sunscreen before you hit the beach and apply it often.



Proper Breathing Technique for Swimming For You

Breathing—it comes completely naturally to all of us. It is an activity that will function without interruption or conscious thought under the control of the autonomic nervous system. When necessary, we can assume conscious control in order to increase oxygen supply while under stress or in a fight/flight state of mind. In our world, triathlon equals a fight/flight state.

Breathing is easy on the bike and run. While there are a few tricks to rhythmic breathing in both of these legs, you don’t have to move around and ask your surroundings permission in order to get a breath. In swimming, you do.

From a beginner standpoint, the two most important aspects of breathing in swimming are becoming comfortable with:

  1. Your face in the water while swimming
  2. A rhythm to your breathing

Face in the Water

Keeping your face in the water is step one, because if you swim with your head up or your face out of the water, your legs and hips will invariably drop. A high-head/low-hip position requires you to push more surface area through the water, creating more drag. This makes it harder to swim because there is more resistance. Imagine cycling with a parachute attached to your back. This will force you to take additional rest breaks in training or on race day as your heart rate increases and you cannot keep up with the oxygen demands of your muscles.

There are different tricks to keeping your face in the water. Be sure to have comfortable goggles. Focus on looking at the bottom or staring at the black line down the center of the lane in the pool. If you experience anxiety related to submersion, take a lot of rest breaks and remember that as far as pool training goes, you are never very far from the wall and an exit. Private swim lessons and a lot of practice will help.

Rhythmic Breathing

Once you are comfortable keeping your face/head in the water while swimming, you need to figure out how and when to breath. The critical action here is to begin exhaling through your nose/mouth as soon as you finish breathing in.

The major problem I see with beginner swimmers related to breathing is that they hold their breath while their face is in the water, then tries to exhale and inhale very quickly when turning to breathe. This results in a poor, shallow breath and a quick buildup of carbon dioxide in the lungs. Swimmers will have to stop and take a break in training or roll over on their backs to catch a few deep breaths in racing.

You must exhale while your face is in the water. So when you turn to breathe, your lungs are mostly empty and ready to accept a fresh breath of air. You do need to force the rhythm a bit. You should forcefully exhale through your nose/mouth as soon as you complete the breath. There’s no pausing. It is a constant rhythm.

Two- or Three-Stroke Breathing

The good thing about three-stroke or bilateral breathing? It will help you create and maintain an even stroke and improve mechanics on both sides of your body. The bad thing? It increases the time between breaths by 50 percent over a two-stroke or one-sided breathing pattern. That is a huge decrease in total oxygen flow while swimming.

My advice is to include bilateral breathing in your workouts during warm-up, drills, easy aerobic sets and short sprints like 25s and 50s. Switch to one-sided breathing for moderate/hard-distance and mid-distance sets. If you want to continue working on stroke balance, breathe to the left going down the pool and to the right coming back.

The main problem with breathing to one side all the time is that it usually creates a hitch or imbalance in one side. Typically one side becomes a bit stronger and you will veer off course in open water. The main benefit, however, is more air, which is nice when you are trying to swim fast.


How to Prepare for a Beach Trip

A beach trip can be a ton of fun and very relaxing. A poorly planned trip, though, can turn into a pain—literally, if you forget to pack sunscreen. As fun as going to the beach can be, it does take some planning ahead in order to have the best trip possible, so take a few days to plan for your next beach trip.

Packing for the Trip

1. Pack the right clothes.

Pack the swimsuit you’ve picked out and an extra change of clothes. The extra change of clothes is for the ride home, so you won’t be all wet and sandy.

  • Also, make sure your comfortable enough to spend all day in the clothes you wear down.
  • Having a changes of clothes means you can head somewhere else after the beach.
  • Don’t forget to include good footwear. Take sandals for the beach and water shoes for the ocean so you’re ready for anything.
 Image titled Prevent Redness of the Skin Step 1
2.Take protection from the sun.
You don’t want to ruin your beach trip with a bad sunburn. Plus, protecting yourself from the sun will keep your skin looking younger as you age and guard against skin cancer.
  • Start with a sunscreen of at least 15 SPF. Check to make sure it protects against both UVA and UVB rays. Don’t forget to add a lip balm with sunscreen to protect your lips. Make sure to reapply it frequently, especially after sweating or jumping in the water.
  • Use clothing for protection. Hats and sunglasses offer much needed protection for your face and eyes, but wearing a coverup with long sleeves can also offer protection. If coverups aren’t your thing, take a beach umbrella or tent/gazebo instead.
 Image titled Bathe a Cat Step 16
3. Bring something to sit on.
A beach chair or a towel is appropriate, but if you choose a towel, it should be separate from the one you’ll be using to dry off with. If you choose a plastic chair, you may still want to bring the extra towel to keep your chair from getting too hot while you are away. You could also bring an old blanket you don’t mind getting sandy.
  • Another option is an old fitted king-size sheet. You can put things like bags and coolers in the corners, so that the sheet makes a cozy little playpen for you and your family.
 Image titled Make a Mini First Aid Kit (for Girls) Step 1
4. Take a first aid kit.
Of course, you hope no one will get injured, but taking a basic first aid kit will offer you some relief if someone gets hurt. You can buy a first aid kit ready-made or make your own.
  • Make sure you have things like bandages, antibiotic ointment, pain relief pills, and a thermometer, as well as anti-diarrhea medicine. You may also want antihistamines.
  • Make sure you have an assortment of bandages, including small adhesive ones as well as roller bandages, gauze pads, and medical tape. You should also have things like antiseptic packets, hydrocortisone packets, non-latex gloves, and compress dressings.
  • Also, make sure you pack any common over-the-counter medications you use frequently.
Image titled Choose a Backpack for School Step 4
5.Bring a waterproof or water resistant bag.

You’ll need a place to stash your valuables away from the water and the sand. Pick a bag that’s fairly water resistant or waterproof so that you can stash your phone and wallet away. Leave anything irreplaceable behind that you can so you don’t lose or damage it on the beach.

  • Another trick to protect your valuables is to clean out an old sunscreen bottle. Use it to hide valuables you don’t want anyone to steal, and as a bonus, it keeps them dry.
  • You can also stash electronics in zip-top bags for protection.
  • For beach toys, find a net bag so sand can be left on the beach. Pack all the food in a cooler with ice.

Packing for the Trip

  1. Bring activities to share. If you’re traveling in a group, bring something you can all do. For instance, a deck of waterproof cards is great for the beach, as long as it’s not too windy. You could also bring a board game that doesn’t have too many parts. A game like Twister, for instance, would be great for the beach.
  • Remember to include fun for the kids in your group. On the beach, all you need are some simple toys, such as buckets, shovels, and other cheap toys. Your kids will have a blast in the sand and water.

     2. Don’t forget some music. Music is a great way to keep people entertained. For a simple solution, you could bring along a waterproof, battery-powered radio, like a shower radio. However, you can also use waterproof bluetooth speakers so you can play music from your phone.

Image titled Take a Family Beach Trip Step 8

          3. Take some solo activities. You’ll enjoy just lounging for a bit, but you might also want something to enjoy all on your own. For instance, take a light book you’ve been meaning to dive into. The beach is the perfect time to do it.

  • If you take an e-reader, make sure it’s okay in the glare of the sun, and that you have a portable charger for it if you need it. You may also want a portable charger for you phone. Slip the e-reader into a zip-top bag to protect it.
  • You could also take activity books such as crossword puzzles and Sudoku books.

        4. Take some snacks. If you’re planning to stay at the beach for a few hours, you’re going to want some snacks and drinks to get you through. Keep it fairly simple. If you choose anything too complicated that requires assembly, you’ll likely end up with sand in your food.

  • Some good snacks to take include fruit, granola bars, vegetable sticks, and bottles of water. Skip the sodas as those don’t hydrate as well.
  • In fact, if you’re planning on staying all day, consider just packing lunch. Though you can take a cooler for drinks, you might want to pick something that won’t spoil easily, such as a peanut butter and jelly.
  • Bring a small bag for any trash you may accumulate. It may be difficult to find a trashcan at the beach.
  • Bring moist towelettes with your food. You can use them to clean up hands before and after your eat.

       5. Stake out your spot. When you get to the beach, you need to stake out a claim. It’s good to go early in the day, when it’s less crowded. That way, you’ll have more opportunity to find a good a spot near the water but not so near you’ll be overrun if the tide comes in.

  • If the beach has chairs or umbrellas for rent, consider renting one to make life easier.
  • Stick with like-minded beach goers. That is, if you’re there to party and have fun with your friends, pick an area where people are being louder and playing music. If you prefer a quiet place to read, try to find a more secluded spot. If you’re there with your family, look for other families to be near, so your kids can play together.

Buying a Bathing Suit

Image titled Adjust to Wearing a Bathing Suit (for Tomboys) Step 2

      1.Wear underwear that hugs your body.

When you’re trying on swimsuits, you need to keep your underwear on. However, you also need to make sure the suit fits properly. Therefore, make sure your underwear doesn’t bunch, and pick something on the slimmer side to wear to the store.

    2. Pick what makes you comfortable.

Many websites will tell you to pick swimsuit style that’s flattering to your body type, but the truth is, you can find a suit that’s flattering in any style. The important thing is that you feel comfortable and that you like the suit.

  • For instance, you may not think you can get away with a two-piece because of your curves. If you don’t feel comfortable showing as much skin, you could wear a tankini, which is basically a tank top with a bikini bottom, or a high-waisted bikini. Pick a fun pattern and rock that suit.
  • For men, you also need to decide what you want out of your suit, such as how much skin you want to show. You could go for anything from full-length trunk shorts to swim briefs

     3.Jump around.

You don’t literally need to jump, but you should move around as much as possible once you get the suit on. You want to make sure it stays on in all the right places because you’ll certainly be moving a lot in the water.

  • Try walking up and down outside the dressing room or doing a few jumping jacks in the suit to see how it wears. Make sure it doesn’t move around.
Image titled Visit Laguna Beach, California Step 4

       4. Don’t forget the coverup.

A coverup is just something you can slip on over your swimsuit to go from the beach to the car or to hang out on the beach in while you’re not swimming. For men, it can be something as simple as a t-shirt. For women, it can be anything from a pair of shorts and a top to a breezy, cottony dress made for going over swimwear.

Getting Your Body Ready

     1. Take some time to shave.

If you’re wearing a revealing swimsuit and you’re not a fan of body hair showing, you’re going to need to spend some time shaving before you go to the beach. Take some time to shave your legs and any other areas that might need it, such your bikini line or armpits, before you go.

  • If you’re not comfortable shaving or waxing these areas yourself, let a professional do it. Set up an appointment to get a bikini wax done.
  • If you’re guy, you may want to shave your back or have someone do it for you.
  • Make sure to check yourself out in the sunlight, as you’re more likely to spot hairs in the sun.
      2. Exfoliate your skin.

To make your skin shimmer, you may want to spend some time exfoliating. Exfoliating is just a way of removing dead skin so that you skin doesn’t look ashy or rough. You have the option of using a chemical exfoliant or a physical exfoliant.

  • A chemical exfoliant uses chemicals, generally acids, to break down the dead skin.
  • A physical exfoliant uses small beads or crushed pieces of seed or shell in a solution to rub away the dead skin. You’ll also find exfoliating gloves that fall in this category. Even a washcloth is a physical exfoliant.
  • To use an exfoliant, hop in the shower first to get your skin damp. Rub the exfoliant in with your hand, a glove, or washcloth in gentle circles. Wash the exfoliant away when your done. If you’re using an exfoliating glove or washcloth, simple put your normal soap on it, and use it to rub the soap into your skin in gentle circles.
  • Be sure to focus on problem areas like knees, elbows, and feet.
  • After you exfoliate, apply a good moisturizer to your skin.
Image titled Live With Allergies to Milk Step 8
3. Skip foods that bloat. If you’re looking for a flat stomach, try to avoid foods that cause you to bloat for a couple days before the beach. That way, your stomach won’t be pooched out because of bloating.
  • Skip cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower. Also skip processed foods and carbonated beverages.
  • Instead, try other healthy foods such avocados, eggs, nut butters, salmon, bananas, Greek yogurt, and lemons.

Source: wikiHow

10 Reasons Every Woman Should Swim and Swimming Safety Tip

Swimming can make over your muscles, transform you into a cardio goddess, and turn back the aging clock. Need more reason to suit up?



It’s Easy on the Impact

Yes, the low impact means swimming is a great workout for injured athletes, who need to take it easy on their joints. But it may also mean more results: “You can swim at higher intensities on a regular basis without feeling wear and tear on your body,” Walton says. You could have a super-hard workout one day and still be in the pool the next, he says. Bonus: Research in the International Journal of Sports Medicine shows swimming is better than straight-up rest for exercise recovery, for when you want to take it easy.

It’s Great for Your Lungs

When your face is under water, oxygen is at a premium. In turn, your body adapts to use oxygen more efficiently, Walton says. Plus, it learns to take in more fresh air with every breath, and expel more carbon dioxide with every exhalation. A study in the Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology even found that swimmers had better tidal volume (the amount of air that moves in and out of the lungs during relaxed breathing) compared to runners. This results in lower resting heart rates, lower blood pressure, and, as you’ll see next, better running performance.

It Makes You a Better Runner

By increasing your ability to take in and effectively use oxygen, swimming increases your endurance capacity like crazy, Walton says. That’s great news if you’re hoping to complete your first half-marathon this year. It also means you can run faster mile after mile without getting winded. In a 2013 Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports study, swimmers who followed a controlled breathing technique (taking two breaths per pool length) improved their running economy by 6 percent after just 12 swim sessions. Air-fueled benefits aside, swimming trains your glutes and hamstrings, your core, and your shoulders—all of which are needed for improved running form and performances, Walton says.

Anyone Can Do It

Whether you’re recovering from an injury, pregnant (Walton has trained women in the pool on their due dates), a new mom, or an Ironman competitor, swimming can give you a great workout (um, as long as you—you know—know how to swim). You control the pace, intensity, and what you get out of every session, he says.

It Slashes Major Stress

While exercise-induced endorphins will do wonders for your stress levels, getting in the water for your workout may have its own special brand of mood-boosting benefits, Walton says. Being submerged in water dulls the amount of sensory information that bombards your body, helping to bring on feelings of calm, according to a study published in Pain Research & Management. Researchers found that regular flotation tank sessions were effective at relieving symptoms in patients suffering from conditions related to chronic stress. No wonder you love soaking in the bathtub.

It Turns Back the Clock

Regular swimmers are biologically 20 years younger than their driver’s licenses say they are, according to research from Indiana University. Scientists say that, even up until your 70th birthday, swimming affects blood pressure, cholesterol levels, cardiovascular performance, central nervous system health, cognitive functioning, muscle mass, and blood chemistry to be much more similar to that of your younger self. Who needs night cream?

It Hits Otherwise Underworked Muscles

“You don’t sit at your desk with your arms over your head,” Walton says. But when you’re in the pool, your arms are all over the place, meaning you need to work your often-neglected lats, deltoids, and traps, he says. And we know you aren’t targeting those when you’re on a bike or pounding the pavement. Plus, since so much of swimming is about staying balanced and level in the water (while both your arms and legs are moving, mind you), swimming helps you develop the deep stabilizing muscles in your core and lower back that women often miss.

It Makes You Smarter

Blood flow to the brain increased by up to 14 percent when men submerged themselves in water up to their hearts, according to a Journal of Physiology study. Researchers believe water’s pressure on the chest cavity may have something to do with it, and they are now studying whether water-based workouts improve blood flow to the brain better than do land-based ones. Stay tuned.

It Opens You Up to Awesome Experiences

Want to hop off the back of a boat? Swim across the San Francisco Bay? Go snorkeling in the Bahamas? Win every game of Marco Polo? Mastering swimming will help you do all that, Walton says. “Swimming’s a life skill. It opens the doors to a lot of fun stuff.”

Swimminf safety tip

Swimming is a great recreational sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. But it’s important to know how to be safe while you’re in the water. The American Red Cross offers these important swimming safety tips you should be aware of before you head out to the pool or beach:

  • Swim in designated areas supervised by lifeguards.
  • Always swim with a buddy; do not allow anyone to swim alone.
  • Never leave a young child unattended near waterand do not trust a child’s life to another child; teach children to always ask permission to go near water.
  • Have young children or inexperienced swimmers wear U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jackets around water, but do not rely on life jackets alone.
  • Maintain constant supervision.
  • Make sure everyone in your family learns to swim well. Enroll in age-appropriate Red Cross water orientation and learn-to-swim courses.
  • If you have a pool, secure it with appropriate barriers. Many children who drown in home pools were out of sight for less than five minutes and in the care of one or both parents at the time.
  • Avoid distractions when supervising children around water.
  • If a child is missing, check the water first. Seconds count in preventing death or disability.
  • Have appropriate equipment, such as reaching or throwing equipment, a cell phone, life jackets and a first aid kit.
  • Know how and when to call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number.
  • Enroll in Red Cross home pool safety, water safety, first aid and CPR/AEDcourses to learn how to prevent and respond to emergencies.
  • Protect your skin. Limit the amount of direct sunlight you receive between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. and wear sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 15.
  • Drink plenty of water regularly, even if you’re not thirsty. Avoid drinks with alcohol or caffeine in them.

Source: American Red Cross, Fitness magazine

7 Reasons Your Body Wants You To Plan A Beach Trip Right Now

Ah, the beach. Is there anything better? There’s just no place quite as relaxing, beautiful or pleasant, and no place that combines the simple pleasures of unplugging and enjoying nature in our otherwise tech-heavy and work-driven realities. The beach helps us recharge — and we need to be making A LOT more use of it.

We know most jobs already offer vacation time, but considering these specific health benefits of the beach, maybe it’s time they carved out days for their employees to spend in the sun and sand.

Sunshine is a great source of vitamin D.

beach, sunshine

Sure, that milk your drinking is fortified with vitamin D, but the truth is most people get 80 to 90 percent of their daily dose from sun exposure. According to information provided by the Harvard Medical School, the most natural and substantial source of the vitamin depends on how much UVB light gets through to you. That light reacts with a cholesterol-related compound and metabolizes into vitamin D, which is essential for bone health, creates healthy skin and may even help improve mental health.

The sun’s role in both health-promoting vitamin D and in the sun damage that can lead to skin cancer makes things confusing. Since sunscreens block the vital UVB rays needed for Vitamin D production within the body, most doctors advocate “responsible sun exposure” to get what you need. About 10 to 15 minutes of unprotected sun exposure does the trick for most people, after which protection in the form of a sunblock with 30 SPF or higher (along with additional preemptive measures) is essential for the skin’s longterm health. That said, everyone’s needs are different and it’s best to talk to your doctor about a sun plan that best benefits you.

Sand is a natural exfoliant.


Do you ever wonder why it feels so good to walk on sand? It’s because there are somewhere between 3,000 and 7,000 nerve endings in each foot that awaken when you walk across those tiny grains. Wet sand acts as a natural exfoliant and peels off dead skin cells from your feet (and really, anywhere else on your body), leaving them renewed and much softer.

To take full advantage of sand’s rejuvenating qualities, take a walk near the water where the sand is “looser” and can wash over your feet. If you’re thinking exfoliation is a luxury and not a health essential, think again. Your skin sheds about 50,000 skin cells every minute and sometimes they stay attached to your body, which can cause your pores to clog and lead to blackhead and acne. Exfoliation keeps the skin clean, healthy and rejuvenated.

So, what are you waiting for? Take a walk on the beach, if only to get rid of all those dead skin cells. Actually, you’ll probably want to just start rolling around in wet sand at this point.

It could help rheumatoid arthritis patients feel better.

reduce symptoms

The minerals in the ocean could help reduce symptoms for those with rheumatoid arthritis. According to a study, patients who used bath salts made from Dead Sea minerals also experienced fewer symptoms, like morning stiffness and trouble with hand gripping. You know what else can help relieve symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis? Getting enough vitamin D, that’s right.

Also, sunlight has been shown to decrease depression.

decrease depression.

Common sense would tell us that people tend to be happier in the warmer months and less so in the gloomier months, but it’s been scientifically proven that sunshine can make us happier. A study conducted by the Baker Heart Research Institute in Melbourne, Australia found that the amount of sunlight participants’ received directly affected their mood. The team also noticed that with increased sunlight exposure, their levels of serotonin increased, having a positive effect on factors such as stress, sleep and appetite.

Now, we’re not claiming that a lack of beach outings in your life will lead to symptoms of depression. However, as with the previous points, the beach has got a lot of what your body needs, all in one beautiful place.

In the study’s own words: “More sunlight meant better moods; less sunlight lead to symptoms of depression.”

Seawater preserves elasticity of skin.


The ocean is full of anti-aging minerals that can counter the decline of your skin’s elasticity among other things… this is great, great news!

As we grow older, our skin, as well as other things, tends to lose its tightness and suppleness. And while some people will do almost anything to look young, what we’re recommending is far less invasive and expensive. Treating your body to a little bit of saltwater every now and again will obviously not have the same dramatic effect as cosmetic intervention, but it can aid in the process of keeping everything a little bit tighter.

A day at the beach gets you moving without even trying.


We’re chalking this one up to probability more than scientific fact, simply because going to the beach usually involves some sort of physical activity, right? Whether you’re swimming, jogging, surfing, playing soccer or beach volleyball or simply walking through the sand to find a nice spot to lay out, rare is the day when you go to the beach and do absolutely no exercise. Walking on the beach is already a better workout than walking on concrete, “walking on sand requires 1.6-2.5 times more mechanical work than does walking on a hard surface at the same speed.”

Plus, it’s not like you’re just sitting pretty when engaging in some of these activities — you’re burning major calories by just going for a swim, for example. A leisurely swim can burn about 200 calories. Surfing? Just over 100. Frisbee? About the same. And beach volleyball is nearly 300. So ditch the gym — the beach is your new fitness friend.

And with a much, much prettier view.

And perhaps most importantly, the beach decreases your stress level by helping you unplug.

decrease stress

Unplugging is good for the mind, body and soul. According to a study from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, staying constantly plugged in has been associated with stress, loss of sleep and depression.. Let go of the tablets and smartphones and allow yourself a technology-free escape to this oasis every once in a while to help you re-center. Seriously, don’t even try to bring your devices to the beach — as everyone knows, sand gets everywhere.

A study conducted by the University of Exeter took it a step further and found that simply living near the beach can also be beneficial to your health and well-being. They took into account people’s proximity to the beach and their self-reported health to conclude that living seaside may actually result in better health.

A short walk (on the beach, or anywhere else) is also known to decrease stress and help you reset. So, if you’d really like to feel at ease, unplug AND go for a leisurely walk on the beach — you’ve just treated yourself to the ultimate de-stressing combination.

The beach is a magical place that can recharge you and help you stay fit physically, mentally and spiritually. For those reasons, we conclude that beach visits are seriously healthy, not to mention pretty pleasant. Just remember to wear your sunscreen.

Source: huffingtonpost

What Are the Top 3 Benefits of Swimming?


You may have heard that experts recommend adults get 150 minutes of moderate activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week. Swimming is an excellent way to work your entire body and cardiovascular system. An hour of swimming burns almost as many calories as running, without all the impact on your bones and joints.

Swimming is the fourth most popular activity in the United States. But why, exactly? There are a host of benefits you may gain from swimming laps regularly. Read on to learn about the benefits of swimming and how to incorporate it into your routine.



1. Swimming helps work your whole body

One of the biggest benefits of swimming is that it truly works your entire body, head to toe:

  • Increases your heart rate without stressing your body
  • Tones muscles
  • Builds strength
  • Builds endurance

2. Works your insides, too

While your muscles are getting a good workout, your cardiovascular system is, too. Swimming makes your heart and lungs strong. It is so good for you that researchers share it may even reduce your risk of death. Compared with inactive people, swimmers have about half the risk of death. Some other studies have shown that it may help lower blood pressureand control blood sugar.

3. Is appropriate for people with injuries, arthritis, and other conditions

Swimming can be a safe exercise option for people with:

  • arthritis
  • injury
  • disability
  • other issues that make high-impact exercises difficult

Swimming may even help reduce some of your pain or improve your recovery from an injury. One study showed that people with osteoarthritis reported significant reductions in joint pain and stiffness, and experienced less physical limitation after engaging in activities like swimming and cycling.

Even more interesting, there was little to no difference in the benefits between the two groups. So, it seems to have many of the same benefits as frequently prescribed land exercises. If you want non-swimming water activities, try these water excises for people with arthritis.