Category: Basketball


Être une mère exige le dévouement sans fin indépendamment de votre mode de vie. Une nutrition saine et un mode de vie actif sont les éléments clé dans l’entière routine quotidienne de famille. Ici, nous avons quelques exercises pour vous permettre de tirer le meilleur parti de chaque minute durant votre temps libre avec votre famille !

1.Avec un petit bébé à la maison, je n’ai pas beaucoup de temps pour faire des exercices.

Poussez le landau ou la poussette pour faire de l’exercice cardio-vasculaire. Vous pouvez commander l’intensité de l’exercice tout en contrôlant votre respiration.

2.Exercices de renforcement avec vos petits – Jambes et fessiers

Cet excellent exercice métabolique est connu sous le nom de « Lunge ». Cet exercice se focalise sur le renforcement des jambes et des fesses, des prolongements sur l’arrière, des abdominaux et des épaules.

Placez une jambe en avant et l’autre en arrière, abaissez votre genou de la jambe en arrière vers l’avant. Tenez votre bébé avec vos bras tendus, et soutenez-le sur votre genou chaque fois que vous vous pliez vers le bas. Commencez avec 2 séries de 10, augmentant les répétitions jusqu’à 20. Après avoir ajouter 1 série de plus, faites-en 3 au total. Faites une série avec une jambe et reposez-vous durant 30 à 45 secondes.

3.Exercices de renforcement avec vos petits – Fessiers

Cet exercice est très facile, il vous permet de jouer « au cheval » avec votre bébé tandis que vous faites de l’exercice. Couchée, visage en haut, mettez votre bébé au niveau de vos hanches. Avec vos talons levés vers le ciel, soulevez et abaissez vos hanches. Commencez avec 2 séries de 20 répétitions, et augmentez-les jusqu’à 3 séries. Pour augmenter l’intensité, reposez une jambe sur le sol tout en conservant l’autre jambe levée avec son genou droit.

busy mothers inside

4.Exercices de renforcement avec vos petits – Contraction des abdominaux

Depuis la position de départ de l’exercice précédent, soulevez votre torse et bloquez cette position. Restez comme ceci durant 30 secondes et descendez ensuite lentement. Faites 10 répétitions; augmentant le temps de blocage. Vous allez maintenant vous concentrer sur votre respiration, reposez votre bas du dos sur le sol et assurez-vous de n’avoir aucune tension dans votre cou. Vous pourriez aussi mettre votre bébé couché pour intensifier l’exercice.

5.Autour des déplacement avec avec vos enfants plus vieux pendant la semaine et les week-ends.

La première option implique de tirer le meilleur parti lors de votre temps lorsque vous les amenez en classe de sports, aussi bien, vous avez également des déplacements. Nous recommandons de les inscrire dans une classe de natation qui dure entre 30 et 45 minutes. Tandis qu’ils sont dans la piscine, vous pouvez prendre le temps d’établir un travail en gym (parlez à votre entraîneur au sujet de l’option de faire une table d’exercices selon le programme et la durée de classe de vos enfants). La deuxième option implique de passer des week-ends avec votre famille. Le temps le permettant, jouez à la balle, faites un jogging ensemble ou tout simplement une marche rapide.

Pour plus d’astuces ou si vous avez des questions sur n’importe quel exercice, n’hésitez pas à contacter notre équipe de professionnels. Nous sommes ici pour vous aider !

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10 Basketball Tips Guaranteed To Get You More Playing Time

Kết quả hình ảnh cho basketball tip for player

Ask the coach what you can do to help the team.

This is probably one of the most important things you can do, because it shows you are committed to do whatever it takes to help the team succeed. If you put the team in front of your personal goals, you will be a player that all coaches and teammates love to have.

At the end of the season, remember to ask the coach what you need to work on during the off-season to contribute to the team the following year.

Play to your strengths.

Not everybody can be the scorer, so do what you’re good at. If you try to do things that you are not good at it, you’ll                  find yourself on the bench. If you’re great at rebounding and playing defense, do those things when you’re on the         court. Do what you can do, not what you can’t do. Strengthen your strengths and work on your weaknesses in practice.

Players have made millions of dollars playing according to this philosophy. Can you say Ben Wallace or Kyle Korver?

Any time you get in a huddle

Besides helping you improve, a coach will notice this and pick you above somebody else who may not work as hard. Don’t be afraid to get your butt on the ground and dive after some loose balls.

Take charges.

When you take a charge, it provides a defensive stop, gets your team the ball, and puts an additional foul on the opposing team. Not to mention, it can affect the other team psychologically because they will be hesitant to drive the ball in fear of picking up another foul.

Play tough defense. 

If you can shut down opposing players, it doesn’t matter if you can shoot or dribble. A coach will often find a reason to get you on the court.

Always box out. 

Nothing will get you to the bench quicker than not boxing out. Coaches understand the importance of rebounding. If you do it well, you’ll rapidly increase your chances of playing.

Take good shots.

A good shot is an open shot that you can make a high-percentage of and nobody else on your team has a better scoring opportunity. If you take bad shots, you’ll be on the bench.

Make the extra pass.

Coaches love it when you make the extra pass. You will also find yourself getting more passes from your teammates, because they recognize and appreciate your unselfishness. Basketball is so much fun when played unselfishly. You also win a lot more games, too.

Don’t be too unselfish. If you have a good shot, you can take it.

Sprint to the front of the huddle.

Any time you get in a huddle, always sprint to the front and make eye contact with the coach while he is talking. The coach will notice this and know that you care.

Be a great teammate.

If your teammates like you, they will be more likely to play better with you. A coach may notice the chemistry and get you in the game. Why do you think teammates of Kevin Garnett play better?




Daily work on ball handling skills is a key component to our basketball camps in Rocklin, CA. Ball handling is the easiest way to work on your game and become a great all-around player as all you need is a ball and a flat surface.

Just as in all areas of basketball, the foundation of working on ball handling is to make sure you are balanced and in an athletic position. Dribbling the ball in a balanced position, make sure your knees are bent and your chest is up; this enables you to look forward and see the floor. Avoid looking down while you dribble as that takes away from your court vision. Lastly, use your fingertips to dribble the ball and spread your fingers out, as it helps cover the ball and give you more control of your dribble. Only using your arms (do not use your entire body), dribble the ball as quick and hard as you can without worrying about making mistakes. If you lose your ball, no big deal, just retrieve it and start from where you left off.

Remember, practice makes perfect, and you can only make perfect by practicing outside your comfort zone!

Ball Handling Tip


  • Ball Slaps – slap ball as hard as you can with one hand as the other hand holds the ball. Rotate hand on every slap.
  • Finger Tips – Extend arms out and push ball back and forth with your fingertips. Once you feel comfortable with the ball extended out in front of you, move the ball high above head and low in front of your ankles working the ball in the same way.
  • Wraps – Wrap ball around your head, then around your waist, and finally around your ankles. Do each one separate, and then do all three together as one rep.
  • Figure 8 – Wrap ball around legs going in front in between your legs first then wrapping behind one knee. Then bring ball back in front in between legs then behind other knee. Continue that motion continuous.


  • Pound Dribble (1 Ball) – Dribble the ball as hard as you can with one hand, not allowing the ball to go higher than just above your knees. After 30-45 seconds, rotate hands.
  • 2 Ball Dribbling – Similar to the one hand pound except for you are now dribbling with both hands at one time. You can do 2 ball rhythm and 2 ball alternating for 30-45 second each.
  • Single Leg Dribbling (1 Ball) – Dribble the ball with the Right hand making circles around your Right leg, the alternate doing the same with the Left hand and leg.
  • Figure 8 Dribble (1 Ball) – Same as Figure 8 in warm-up, but now we are dribbling the ball instead of wrapping it.



Esian Henderson, professional basketball player and director of the Nike Boys Basketball Camp at Rockhurst University in Kansas City, MO, shares his three steps to becoming a more consistent athlete.

We have all heard it said before, “you practice how you play”. The more work you put in on a consistent basis, the better your results and the higher your confidence will be. It sounds easier than it is. The challenge is the process and your consistency in that process. What are you eating? Thinking? How many shots did you shoot today? Success is a product of many small goals being met on a journey to achievement.


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Follow these three rules to start being a more consistent, productive version of yourself on the court:

1. Set Goals

Goals are a crucial part to staying motivated. Set realistic, short-term goals that will lead to long-term results. Analyze your current situation honestly and create a set of short-term and long-term goals to achieve over time. If you aren’t finishing around the basket, you may need to work on your lower body strength, footwork, or conditioning; these big goals are an accumulation of smaller goals. Once you reach a goal, create another to help your game continue to grow. Remember, there is always room for improvement.

2. Develop a Routine

After you create your goals, develop a routine to reach them and stick to it. This means committing to a set schedule that you work around; it’s not a routine until you do it like clockwork.

3. Do not Deviate

Stick to the script and your routine will become habit over time. If you go hard for two weeks and then take three weeks off, you’ll never see results. Stay committed; working hard is just as important as staying consistent and consistency determines your success or failure.

Are you ready to take your game to the next level? Set your goals, develop a routine, and stick with it! Consistency is the #1 attribute of any seasoned athlete.


5 Basketball Dribbling Techniques That Give You Untouchable Handles

All ball handlers need to be able to create space from the defense. The following five basic dribble moves will help you alleviate pressure from the defense and be poised and confident to make good decisions with the basketball.

The fundamental ways to create space are as follows:

  • Change your direction.
  • Change your speed.
  • Use the retreat dribble.

The checklists that accompany the five dribble maneuvers will help you understand each one.

Basketball Dribbling Technique #1: Hesitation

The hesitation dribble is most commonly used when you are quickly advancing the basketball up the floor in transition and your defender is stationary or backpedaling. Review the following checklist for the correct order of operations when executing the hesitation dribble.

Hesitation Dribble Checklist

1. Speed dribble at the defense.

2. Come to a sudden stutter-brake stop.

3. Remain in your stance.

4. Keep your dribble to the outside of your body, not in front.

5. Shield the basketball with your non-dribbling hand.

6. Take your eyes to the rim.

7. Pause.

8. Explode past the defense with a hesitation dribble (see image below).

Hesitation Dribble

Basketball Dribbling Technique #2: Retreat

The retreat dribble is most commonly used to create space against an overly aggressive defender who is putting tremendous pressure on the ball handler. Review the following checklist for the correct order of operations when executing the retreat dribble.

Retreat Dribble Checklist

1. Enter a defensive dribble stance with your body between the defender and the basketball.

2. Point your inside shoulder to the defender’s chest.

3. Keep your chin on your inside shoulder to maintain your view of the court.

4. Pound your dribble low and tight behind your back foot (see image below).

5. Take two retreat slide dribbles back.

6. Square your body to the defense and survey your options.

Retreat Dribble

Basketball Dribbling Technique #3: Crossover

The crossover dribble is most commonly used when you are advancing the basketball up the court and the defender cuts off your angle. The crossover dribble can be a vulnerable because changing hands in front of the body directly exposes the basketball to the defense. It’s important to use the crossover only when there is at least an arm’s length of space between you and the nearest defender. Review the following checklist for the correct order of operations when executing a crossover dribble.

Crossover Dribble Checklist

1. Keep the dribble low and tight on the outside of your knee (see image A below).

2. Cross the basketball low and below the knees to the opposite hand (see image B below).

3. Cross the basketball long from outside one knee to the other.

4. Use your non-dribbling hand to shield the basketball (See image C below).

5. Put your weight on your inside foot and explode past the defense.


Basketball Dribbling Technique #4: Between the Legs

The between-the-legs dribble is another move that is commonly used in advancing the basketball up the court when the defender cuts off your angle. Unlike the crossover, the between-the-legs dribble can be used even when the defender is close, because your body serves as a shield as the basketball changes hands between your legs. Review the following checklist for the correct order of operations when executing the between-the-legs dribble.

Between-the-Legs Dribble Checklist

1. Keep the dribble low and tight on the outside of your knee (see image A below).

2. Stop, sit, and split your feet.

3. Cross the basketball low and tight between your legs (see image B below).

4. Use your non-dribbling hand to shield the basketball.

5. Put your weight on your inside foot and explode past the defense.

Between the Legs

Basketball Dribbling Technique #5: Behind the Back

The behind-the-back dribble is another move that is commonly used in advancing the basketball up the court when the defender cuts off your angle. The behind-the-back dribble can be used when the defender is close, because your body serves as a barrier as the basketball changes hands behind your back. Review the following checklist for the correct order of operations when executing a behind-the-back dribble.

Behind-the-Back Dribble Checklist

1. Keep the dribble low and tight on the outside of your knee (see image A below).

2. Cross the basketball low and tight behind your back to the opposite hand (see image B below).

3. Use your non-dribbling hand to shield the basketball.

4. Put your weight on your inside foot and explode past the defense.

Behind the Back



Before you start playing, take a look at our top tips for the basketball beginner so that you get off on the right footing.

An image of Top 10 Tips For Starting Out In Basketball

Get yourself kitted

Generally there is very little you need to get started but it is important to get a good pair of basketball shoes as the wrong sort could lead to an injury. As the sport involves a lot of running and jumping, good support and cushioning is vital. There are high-top shoes that provide more support for ankles however feel a little heavier when playing. Mid-top shoes are a lighter choice but the downside is the ankle support is not as good. Decide on the best pair to suit your needs depending on your position and the level of competition you will be playing at.

Warm up for basketball

It is advisable to warm up before starting a game of basketball. Warming up reduces the chance of injuries and is an efficient way to increase your ability to perform. Basketball is a fast paced sport so a sufficient warm up to prepare for the game ahead is vital. A good warm up should raise your heart rate and incorporate some drills before you start.

Get in shape

Basketball is a physically challenging sport so it’s best to be in as good a condition as possible. The better shape you’re in, the greater your stamina, and the quicker your response time. This will also help avoid injury. Running will help raise your cardiovascular fitness for basketball and sports such as yoga will increase your flexibility and agility.

Practice your basketball

There is no substitute for practice. Only by hard dedication working on key skills such as passing, dribbling and shooting can the player really hope to improve. Particularly as a beginner to the sport, mastering the fundamentals of basketball is crucial to your development and enjoyment of the game.

Dribble with your weak hand

Be sure to practice dribbling with your weak hand until you can handle the ball as effectively with either hand. Always dribble with your head up, not down, so that you can see what is happening around you, and only dribble as fast as you can go while still keeping control of the ball.

Shooting in basketball

To shoot more effectively, practice shooting everyday from a variety of positions. It is important to learn what your basketball shooting range is. Remember to always hold your follow through to maintain your technique and keep your eye on the rim of the basket for the duration of your shot.

Jumping in basketball

Jumping is an important action that is often overlooked in basketball, however it shouldn’t be. For basketball players the ability to jump high is vital for collecting rebounds, blocking shots and shooting. This action should be developed through vertical jump training, which will not only improve the height you can reach but also your overall basketball performance.

Don’t dribble too hard

One key error people make is thinking they have to bounce the ball as hard as they can when dribbling. Dribbling should be done with knees bent, a straight back, and head up. Dribble just a little above your knee height, and remember, it is better to gently bounce the ball and stay in control, rather than bouncing it too hard on the floor.

Master some basketball skills, then move onto others

Confidence grows by mastering a few skills, then moving on to others. It is better to be able to shoot from short range and then gradually extend the distance over time. As a beginner, master the basics first rather than trying to perform a slam dunk in your first practice session. For dribbling, control is better than speed and this will improve with practice.

Get a good coach and study other players

If you have got a real taste for the game, then it might be worth joining a club where coaches can point you in the right direction and help you to develop your game. Watching other players, especially professionals, can teach the finer skills of the game such as movement, defensive and attacking tactics.
