25 Reasons Running Is Better Than the Gym

First, a disclaimer: We love the gym. We lovestrength training with free weights and workout machines. And there’s tons of reasons you should do it whether you’re looking to build muscle, shed fat and calories, or simply amp up your overall health. But, there’s a slew of benefits specific to running that together make a pretty strong case for any guy to consider becoming a runner. From the aesthetic benefits to the mental perks, there’s a reason why 19 million people finished races in the US last year. While we’re not saying you should quit the gym (please don’t), we are saying you should consider taking up running, too. Here’s 25 reasons why.




1. Running can help you live longer

Runners live longer than those who don’t. In one Archives of Internal Medicine study, researchers followed about 1,000 adults (ages 50 and older) for 21 years. At the end of the study, 85 percent of the runners were still kicking it, while only 66 percent of the non-runners were alive. Yikes.

2. Running can get you high

The runner’s high is real: Mounting research, including one study published in Experimental Technology, shows that when we run, our brains pump out endocannabinoids, cannabis-like molecules that keep runners happy—and hooked.

3. Running doesn’t require a commute

Sure, your gym workout might only take an hour, but getting to and from the gym takes another 30 minutes. But the second you step out of your front door, you can be running, says Moen. After all, you spend enough of your time in the car. What’s more: Running can be your commute!

4. Running fights off beer bellies

As you age, pounds just have a way of gluing themselves to your stomach. But in one Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise study of more than 100,000 runners, those who ran 35 or more miles per week gained less weight in their bellies throughout their mid-life years than those who ran less than nine.

5. Running can help score you Vitamin D

The human body gets most of its vitamin D from sun exposure, but since people spend all of their time indoors, well, you know how it goes. That explains why 41.6 percent of Americans are deficient in the vitamin, according to research published in Nutrition Research. Taking your run outside can help boost your levels to ward off depression, prevent type 2 diabetes, and strengthen your bones.

6. Running burns crazy calories

“An average one-hour weight-training workout at the gym burns about 300 calories. The typical hour-long run burns about twice that,” explains American Council on Exercise-certified personal trainer Tammie Dubberly, a running coach with Whole Body Fitness in Portland, Oregon. Meanwhile, in one study from the Medical College of Wisconsin and the VA Medical Center, researchers found that the treadmill (used at a “hard” level) burned an average of 705 to 865 calories in an hour. The stair-climber, rower, and stationary bike all burned far fewer cals.

7. Running doesn’t require a ton of equipment

“If you’ve got shoes, shorts, and a shirt, you are good to go,” Fitzgerald says. “You can’t say that about many other workouts.” No machines, dumbbells, or even mats required.

8. You can run anywhere

Running will take you a heck of a lot farther than the four walls of your gym. “You can run anywhere in the world. There are literally races in Antarctica and the Sahara Desert,” Fitzgerald says. OK, most guys won’t go that far. But a weekend away won’t wreck your workout routine.

9. You can run at any time

The trail is never closed. Whether you want to get in a workout at 2pm or 2am, you can go for it, says Erik Moen, P.T., founder of Corpore Sano Physical Therapy in Washington.

10. Your dog can run with you

Dogs typically aren’t welcome in the gym. But they are right at home on the trail. They even get endocannabinoid-fueled runner’s highs similar to those of their two-legged friends, according to research from the University of Arizona.